And blue was the sky

And blue was the sky
And blue was the sky
After the first week I´ve got a clue why people tend to wait for the weekend, week after week. Super! /// Ekan perinteisen arkiviikon jälkeen muistin syyn jatkuvaan viikonlopun hehkutukseen ja ainaiseen odottamiseen.


  1. this blue is mind - great

  2. Ahaha true, where do you work ?
    I currently work for the French film studios, and I can't wait for the coming week end.

  3. schorlemädchen: Yeah! Hope the weather treats Hamburg well, too! :)

    Camille: Sounds great! Hope you will have an extremely relaxing weekend :) I´m working in a nice design and marketing company in a round shaped building near the sea ^^
