Suburb greens

Suburb greens
Suburb greens
Suburb greens
Suburb greens
Suburb greens
Finland was all dark green when I landed to Helsinki-Vantaa in the end of last summer. This Wednesday morning the selection of brown colors was striking. ///
Laskeutuessani Helsinki-Vantaalle elokuussa Suomi näytti tummanvihreälle ja metsäiselle. Toukokuussa vuorostaan värimaailma painottui ruskean eri sävyihin.


  1. Wow! Lots of green! Lovely :) That little house in the first photo is lovely! Is summer hot over there?

  2. Thanks. I guess that in the summertime the average temperatures are somewhere between +15c and +25c :)

  3. what a beautiful, rich green..i love the first image..i always wanted to go to Finland...I hope anytime I can do it...I think I would raelly really like it : )

  4. Sounds good. The distance between isn´t bad at all and you can even forget flying. Just jump on a ferry from Rostock. I´ve tried it once from Helsinki to Rostock. Greetings to Hamburg!
